Sunday, October 11, 2009

“The land lay subdued before them.” (Joshua 18.0)

Rahab the prostitute: very concrete example of Mrs. Sexson’s metaphorical scheming feminine ‘winner.’ The role of her being a prostitute is thrown in second hand, and while this is not very important to her story of giving the spies asylum in exchange for life when they come to take the city, it does play a role in the idea of womanhood, and the successful deceptions these characters weave in the bible. Also comes the idea that even a whore, if she fears the Lord, may be saved

“The sun stopped in midheaven, and did not hurry to set about for about a whole day. There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord heeded a human voice; for the Lord fought for Israel.” (Joshua 10.14)

Powerful scenes, like a fantasy battle scene almost. Actually, very like a fantasy novel describing old world wars. The sense is very otherworldly, even farther removed than an Arthurian scene.

Two thoughts come to my mind reading Joshua:

Remarkable change in tone, content, ideas from the Torah. I can see why the first five books are set apart as they are. The whole attitude changes, this is now a conquest book, a story of tribes and territory

2. City of Refuge. This is a concept that has come up before in the Torah, and it is interesting to think about: this is a recognization of the shift from blood paybacks of old times to a court system. The city of refuge is put in place so the murderer will have a place to hide from the blood relatives seeking revenge until a trial may be held

Plotz: disagree with alot of what he said, but he mentions two interesting things:

1. Lacuna!! (last chapter of his commentary on Joshua)

2.The idea, that as soon as the tribes on the other side of Jordan build a copy of the altar, Judaism becomes a religion no longer rooted to place. Now symbols can stand in for the Lord, and one can practice wherever he can remember the way. As a non-practicing anything, I would not have picked up this meaning, but it is an important step for any religion. To stop being a tribe and start being a theology






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