Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Final Thoughts

So, semester ended. Wowzers. I guess I saw it coming, but still always seems shocking. So much growth, development, intellectual stimulation, beer pong, motivating people, blogging, well, it all runs together.

Except for some moments. Or maybe all, if I thought hard enough. But I think I'd rather live than think. This class though, it was pretty great. Frustrating, but great. I don't know if I can forgive myself for not finishing the Bible, but I am happy to say I think I will continue reading it, so as to finish it...well...someday. In addition to that, I have some blog reading to catch up on. Don't we all wish we had hindsight? I guess no regrets though. It's funny how in most classes, friendships are made, appreciations are formed, but as a class the sense of togetherness happens just as we all have to say bye. Now, I don't want to be all sentimental, but this class, due to its personal nature, did get together at the end. I'm sad to say it will be over. And that we will all have to start awkward new classes next semester. But, that's life, and it sure is grand.

There is just so much to do, to be, to accomplish, to love, to sing, to laugh, to hate. I want to be great, I believe we are all great, but why can't we admit it? Random thoughts. I wish I was dedicated enough to write them all down. And someday, bit by bit, I will be--just as all of you will be.

I don't even know who I'm writing to anymore. I guess...thanks class, thanks Dr. Sexson, thanks fall 09. It's been good. No better than any other, but still damn good.

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